Wednesday, April 15, 2009


If you are playing the "I took your nose" game with a three year old, you know the one where you say "I have your nose" and its your thumb disguised as the child's nose? DO NOT finish the game by patting the child on the head as you walk away!I did this yesterday, and for several moments confusion reigned as Jada Rose was sure I had decapitated her! Hysterical screaming ensued until I could race her into the bathroom where she could see her head was still attached! Sheesh!!!! Maybe a little less Tom and Jerry for a while....


Kaidence's Mommy said...

He! He! That is so funny. I can't believe how funny these little ones are. She is sooo cute.

Terrie said...

Such an adorable family. Troy, I just wanted you to know what a great job you did on Teya's blog putting in your thought's and your mom's. You really should write a book. Of course, your mom used to say that all the time!!! I am still so computer illiterate I have a hard time even sending comments on blogs. It has taken me 2 days to figure it out!!!
Thinking of you, love ya, Terrie