Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Jada Rose asks this question on average about 20 times a day! A few weeks ago I let her help me feed the dogs. She took over, and basically its the highlight of her day! My intention was to record her on a day when she had her hair done, and was in cute clothes. But that wouldn't be accurate. It usually happens just as it is portrayed below. With mismatched clothes due her lunch or dinner being strewn all over either her pants or shirt. And her once neatly combed curls, after naps, and playing are now blown into the 'Mozart-esque' hair you see before you!

Since Jada Rose took over this task the dogs NEVER go to bed hungry! Its funny how something I considered to be somewhat of a daily chore, is now one of the things I look forward to most when Jada Rose is involved.


Peterson Fam said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my LIFE!! I miss that little fart, send her my way soon so she can play with "a mokies!" Love ya

The Chiltons said...

lol! You Got it!!!

The Baum's said...

That was too funny! I love it how kids love to do the things we don't. By the way, on that sneak preview, there's a part where Ice Cube starts running in my head..... "You can do it put you're back into it!" I may now have a counter blackmail item for all the video of me trying to waterski!

SkylineHIghClassOf2000 said...

that is so darling! You will totally treasure this video when she is five and is being naughty!!!