Saturday, March 1, 2008

Evening report

Well its 7pm and she doesn't want to eat, output hasn't been quite as frequent, but then again input isn't very good either. I'm really bummed that when they decide they need to scope her, she will need to have an NG tube inserted. OK SERIOUSLY, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THAT AGAIN! I DO NOT WANT TO SEE HER ARCH HER BACK IN PAIN AS IT IS INSERTED THROUGH HER NOSE AND DOWN HER THROAT!!!! Its one of the ugliest things I have ever had to witness in my life, and the possibility of having to witness it again just plain depresses me. If this thing could start to show some improvement in the next 12-24 hours I would be one of the happiest Dads on the Planet.


Wilson 5 said...

Hey Troydee....see if they will put some lidocaine up her nose before they put the NG tube might make it not so painful....they might not do that with kids, but the adults sure do appreciate it. Love you guys....I will be up tomorrow to spend some time with Jada!(assuming I am not called into work) Love you guys....

Meghan said...

ah, man, i was hoping the update would be a little more upbeat. boo. hang in there. we're still praying for miss jada...

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say it's the worst thing I have ever seen with Jada, and I know it really sucks for her to have to go through, but it's alot worse to see her stop breathing and be starring you in the eyes gasp for a breath and watching her get bagged and rushed into the ressusitation room, while her life was so fragile as well. So, this we will get through and hopefully it will find our problem and get her better sooner. This is my only hope, cause no child or anyone should have to go through this for that matter!

Anonymous said...

I keep checking hoping to hear of change. As I mentioned on the other blog...stay positive and do what you can. Things always seem to fall into place although I know that you wish it were sooner than later. Still thinking of you all and in our prayers.

Suz said...

Coop will have to share our fast Sunday prayers with Jada. I am sure he won't mind! I am sure glad you and Rob can even manage to play in the worst of circumstances. It's great to have great friends.