Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An Update

So basically we ended up going back into the hospital on Saturday because she did not want to drink at all! She was on IV's and in the ICS all Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday they let us come home with an IV in because she simply did not want to drink at all. She would eat but no drinking.

So after home health care came to set up the whole IV thing I decided to give jada rose a half time speech that she wouldn't forget. Jada's mom went out to get some shopping done around 8ish.

Jada LOVES riding rides at Lagoon and to a lesser extent the Zoo. Below is a LOOOOOng youtube of her riding some rides at Lagoon just to give you an idea.

Over the last few months we have been teaching her about this cool place called Disneyland where the rides are even BETTER than Lagoon! Her favorite ride s at Lagoon are the haunted houses....I have no idea why, but she just loves them! Only she calles them "monster rides" she begs to go ride monster rides every day. We told her at Disneyland there is even a "Disney Monster ride". We get on Youtube and watch haunted mansion clips, matterhorn clips, and anything else that seems close to what she has enjoyed at Lagoon.

So last night she is eating some Mac and Cheese simply refusing to drink anything. I start preaching on and on about some "cool new disneyland rides that are on the computer, and if she will drink some juice we will watch them all night! She knows the old Mickey Mouse Club theme song by heart so I even went in to the office and turned it up so she could hear. At first she was pissed that I wouldn't take her in there to watch "disney monster rides" I held my ground and at the same time held a juice cup full of Gatoraid in front of her. Finally she couldn't stand it any longer. She took a sip of gator aid and sprinted into the office. It was then that my masterful plan sprung into action. I let the first few minutes of Mickey Mouse Club play on youtube, and then paused it. "uh ohhh...must be broken, if you take another sip of juice it might work?" She promptly took another sip. It was then that I knew I had her! Using Pavlov's theory, I paused the youtube selection of her choice until she took a drink. After 2 hours of strait mickey mouse club, haunted mansion footage, pirates of the carribean ride, we drank 2 glasses of Gatoraid! Needless to say it was a bittersweet moment for her mother who had spent the ENTIRE day bribing her with every thing possible to drink, not realizing that a simple click of the mouse M O U S EEEEE would fix the problem! Last night Jada pulled out her IV. So its a good thing we have Youtube! Today she is doing much better!


The Baum's said...

YAY! I'm glad she's home and following the rules. BTW - I think you should put that pic back up of you three with Jada in front - it was so freaking cute!

The Chiltons said...

Andrea told me we couldn't have it up because its from a professional photographer that we don't yet have rights to :(