Thursday, June 26, 2008

Operation on Tuesday...

We saw the ENT Doctor today and Jada will have her tonsils and adenoids removed on Tuesday. Because all of her neck lymphs are enlarged they pose a considerable risk to PTLD (Cancer), the right front lymph is the largest, and it will either be biopsied or removed. This requires a small incision to be made under her chin on the neck. There is a slight risk for possible nerve damage due to the incision, so more O.R. time is needed. Jada will be in the PICU at least overnight. We will know the exact time of the surgery on Monday.


Hillary said...

I will be anxious to hear how surgery goes! As always Jada Rose (and Parents) will be in our thoughts and prayers! Keep hanging in there!

The Baum's said...

Boo to hospitals! How does the recovery look? On the plus side, kids are so resilient, sometimes we as adults are bigger babies than they are!

The Chiltons said...

Its gonna be a longer recovery than just a tonsillectomy. Longer recovery period, and more painful. :-(

Merianne said...

You guys will be in our prayers. Keep your chins up!