Tuesday, July 1, 2008

1:30 PM

Today Jada Rose goes in for surgery at 1:30 pm. She is currently on liquids only, and at 10:00 am will be NPO. We found out that Jada Rose will likely go strait from the OR to the ICS for recovery.


The Baum's said...

Liquids only...Kylie would come unglued! How long do you guys have to stay in ICS? We'll keep little Jada in our prayers today for sure...good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Wishing you two and Jada the best today. There are lots of people you don't even know who are praying for her. She's sure a cute lil' one:) Good luck!

The Chiltons said...

Thanks for the prayers! We hopefully will only be in the ICS for today. Hopefully tomorrow we will be released. The main stressor then becomes what the pathology of the lymph shows.....